Estate Planning

One of the most important things you can do now, is to plan for your estate. You are never too young to start planning for this; any good estate plan will be continuously reviewed and updated, over your lifetime.

Many people are uncomfortable with the notion of planning for their estate, after death. This does not need to be a stressful conversation, and we are here to help relieve you of this stress and burden -- and to forge a plan that will ease your mind and leave nothing to chance. We've all heard the horror stories of someone passing away with no plan, no indication of their intentions and not even a hint of what their desires were. Discord and friction among family members usually follows, and often very bad financial decisions are made. The famous ones make the news headlines, but for every celebrity who leaves an estate in disarray there are thousands of "regular" people who do, too. The results are not pretty. Don't let this happen to all of the hard work you've done and financial integrity you've secured -- put a plan in place for your estate and live your life without that worry hanging over your head.

You may have many questions - for example:

  • What if I pass away when my children are still minors?
  • How are estates taxed?
  • Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes?
  • Are there things I can do now, to minimize estate taxes?
  • Is it better to gift assets to beneficiaries, before death occurs?
  • Does every estate have to go through probate?
  • What are the responsibilities and expectations of the estate fiduciary (aka 'executor')?

We can see you through this plan and assure that nothing is left to chance. Furthermore, we are able to put together a team, including legal support, to handle your will, trust formation, health care proxy, living will and health expense planning.

When you work with us, nothing will be left unhandled. All aspects of estate planning will be covered and a game plan for periodically resisting and tuning your plan, will be put into place. We will cover:

  • Clearly identifying goals.
  • Assembling the right team of experts, as needed.
  • Review existing documents and assuring that all needed documents are updated and in securely in place.
  • Comprehensive tax planning and tax strategies.
  • Risk mitigation strategies for probate, fiduciary execution, and beneficiary issues.
  • Ongoing plan review and maintenance.

Don't leave your estate to chance or the whims of those who will take control of it after you're gone. Work with us to get a sound plan in place, today.

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